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My Beginning With Mr. Darcy - Book Two Page 4

  The housekeeper, Mrs. Lane and a maid, Susie, bring in tea, pastries, and sandwiches. Mrs. Lane states that she can be reached at any time should Elizabeth need her for anything. Elizabeth thanks her nicely before they quit the room. Elizabeth pours Jane a cup of tea, and then she prepares one for William. “Jane, I will be right back; I want to bring William some tea and cake.”

  “Lizzy, you should spend some time with William. I will be all right. You know I just need to think a little. I will be fine. You are right; I shall endeavor to release myself from this mistake and not blame myself. Spend some time with William, and then we will all meet at dinner in a couple of hours.”

  “Do you want a room to rest in? I can ask William.” Elizabeth asks thoughtfully.

  “No thank you; I will be very comfortable here.”

  “Let me bring this to William, then.”

  Elizabeth knocks on William’s study, and she enters when she is bid to enter. “Darling, I brought you…oh…you have some tea and cake already. I did not know if any had been brought in for you.” Elizabeth smiles lovingly.

  “I will take the tea that you have prepared for me, Lizzy.” Darcy says happily as he reaches out for her. He is joyous as usual to see that Elizabeth always considers him just like he always thinks of her. Even small gestures such as this please him to no end.

  Elizabeth is delighted that William appreciates and likes what she does for him. He is always on her mind, and he is a part of her; it has become instinctive that she considers him in all things. Elizabeth walks around his desk to put his tea and cake down in front of him on the desk. Then she feels William pull her into his embrace, but he remains seated while his face is pressed up against her chest. She is so surprised by this action that she hesitates as to what she should do. Will it be proper for her to embrace him in this most intimate position? However, she recovers quickly and she embraces him in return with her head leaning on top of his head that is full of soft, slightly curly hair. One of her hands reflexively goes through his hair, gently.

  Darcy turns his head to the side while his face remains pressed up against her bosom and says, “I love you, Lizzy. I would never do that to you. You are my one and only love.” Darcy pronounces unambiguously.

  “I love you more than words can express.” Elizabeth affirms most genuinely.

  She feels William hug her tighter. This hug is just as intimate as their kisses to each other’s lips. With the side of his face pressed up against her bosom like this, no one can consider them any less than lovers or husband and wife. Elizabeth no longer feels uneasy as before. She knows, without a doubt now that he does not think any less of her for allowing his attentions. They love each other genuinely – simple as that.

  Darcy releases Elizabeth’s body, and then he reaches for her face with both of his hands. He tilts his face upwards while he gently pulls her face down to meet his; he kisses her luscious lips. Ever since they started kissing each other’s lips, they kissed one another at least a couple of times a day. He is simply addicted to her. He will certainly remember tonight’s embrace. Lord! A part of her soft bosom skin was pressed up against his face. He was in heaven when she allowed him to embrace her that way. His dream where he was suckling her breasts jumped into his mind’s eyes, and he wanted to turn his head so his lips could kiss her bosom. However, with his study’s door opened, he had to control himself and not let it get out of hand.

  They release each other with desire in their eyes; they calm down their breathing. Elizabeth goes to stand by his bookshelves and stare at the books. Darcy hopes she is not upset with his conduct.

  “I am sorry I got carried away; are you upset with me?” Darcy inquires immediately and slowly approaches Elizabeth, but he stands about five feet away from her; he does not want to offend her further.

  Elizabeth turns around instantly upon hearing William apologize. He misunderstood her actions. “No, no, darling; I moved away so that in case any servants passed by and looked in then they would not see any compromising situations between us. I am not upset with your actions.”

  “Oh…good thinking, dearest. Nevertheless, I am sorry that I allowed anything to happen with the door opened like that. I could have compromised you and marred your reputation. I will be more careful next time.” Darcy states repentantly as he approaches closer. He is used to being close to her; it feels natural to be near her.

  “I trust you, darling. I am never upset or offended by your expressions of love for me.” Elizabeth smiles lovingly at William, so he knows that she is not displeased at all. She reaches out for him, and he instantly moves to her side to hold her hand. “Darling, do you think Jane could use a guest room to rest before dinner? We have talked and she is rather saddened by her situation with Mr. Morgan. I will go talk to her a little longer to pull her out of this dejection. I am sorry I am not spending more time with you. I will find you once I have talked to Jane a little more, alright, sweetheart?”

  “I am fine, Lizzy; at least, you are here with me. You go help Jane. I am certain she needs you at this time. I need you too, but because this is Jane then I will make the sacrifice. However, you will have to make it up to me.” Darcy teases while he grins roguishly.

  “I do? What will I have to do?” Elizabeth poses innocently while smiling impishly.

  “I will think of something. You just need to remember that you owe me some favors for your neglect of me.” Darcy’s handsome, mischievous grin cannot be held back.

  “Oh goodness!” Elizabeth giggles openly. “I neglected you; poor William did not get all my attention, for once.” She continues to giggle then says, “With your definition of neglect, I would have to be by your side at all hours in order not to neglect you.”

  “I do not see anything wrong with that; fifteen more days and I will get my wish.” Darcy acquaints her nonchalantly.

  “What wish is that?” Elizabeth asks coyly.

  “My wish to have you with me at all hours.” Darcy enlightens her and then displays his devastatingly, handsome, lighthearted smile.

  Elizabeth can see William’s eyes are filled with joy and delight while they tease each other. Darcy sees Elizabeth blushing at his comment; he enjoys seeing her in such a state, but he spares her from further intimate teasing so that she can go face Jane without embarrassment.

  “Come, dearest; I will ask Georgiana to show you two into a guest room. I will be in my study when you want to come to me.”

  Both Elizabeth and Jane walk behind Georgiana into a charming guest room. Georgiana shows her concern and states, “If you should need anything else, please let me know, Lizzy, Jane, or you could ring for Mrs. Lane.”

  “We will; thank you, Georgie.” Elizabeth responds appreciatively.

  “Thank you, Georgiana. I am thankful for your kindness.” Jane says sadly but sincerely.

  “Certainly, Jane; we will be sisters too in a couple of weeks, and if I can help you with anything, then I will do my best. I look forward to having loving sisters.” Georgiana announces kindheartedly.

  “Thank you, Georgiana; I also look forward to having you as my sister. If you ever need my help, you must know that, without a doubt, I will do my best for you.” Jane affirms warmly while caressing Georgiana’s arm.

  “Thank you, Jane. I will let you and Lizzy rest now. If you do not hear the dinner bell at six o’clock, then Mrs. Lane will notify you.”

  “Thank you, Georgie. We will mind it.” Elizabeth responds warmly at her kind, soon-to-be sister-in-law. Elizabeth is very relieved that she will be getting such a pleasant, compassionate, welcoming sister-in-law; thank God Georgiana is unlike Miss Bingley.

  Elizabeth talks to Jane for another half hour before she seeks out William. When she left Jane, Jane did not seem terribly depressed. Elizabeth assured her over and over by using sense and logic, but she also made sure that Jane understood that it was all right to feel a little of everything: anger, sadness, regret, resentment, fear, disappointment, and dejection. However, when a person i
s truly good then no one can suppress them. The right person may come at the most unexpected time. Love will shine through.

  Elizabeth and William enjoy their time together in the music room with Georgiana practicing her piano forte. They talk and tease each other about very personal issues. Elizabeth blushes a few times when she understands William’s intimations. She is becoming accustomed to his intimate comments and expressions of love for her. She yearns for that closeness with him. Two more weeks and he will be able to do more than tease her intimately.

  Darcy feels very happy and comfortable with Elizabeth being at his home. He senses that she is a little more at ease walking around his home now; she looks fitting here. He desperately wants her in his home, now – their home, but two weeks will have to do.

  At dinner, Jane looks and smiles more like she usually does. Elizabeth can tell that Jane is still saddened by her situation; who would not be? It will take some time. Elizabeth will try to keep Jane from dwelling on Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan does not deserve this much attention. When they are in the music room after dinner, the butler stands to wait for Darcy’s attention. Darcy approaches him to hear that Morgan is asking for an audience. Darcy goes to tell Elizabeth and Jane.

  “What do you want to do, Jane? I can say that I am not available. I do not know if he knows that you are present. Maybe he just wants to talk to me and explain what happened at the park earlier.” Darcy states carefully and optimistically.

  “What do you think, Jane?” Elizabeth asks sensitively.

  “I do not want him to know that I am here, and I do not want him to cause any problems in your home, William. I am sorry that he is bothering you.” Jane replies thoughtfully and decidedly.

  “Alright, I will have Mr. Brooks tell him that I am not available.” Darcy states easily and then goes to talk to the butler.

  Darcy comes back to the ladies and informs them that it is done. “I am sure he will seek you out tomorrow at home, Jane. Do you wish for me not to meet with him at my club tomorrow? I will not be good friends with such a person.”

  “William, I am sorry that you are caught up in the middle of this. I am also sorry to cause you to be uncomfortable with a long time friend and maybe even cause you a friendship with Mr. Morgan. Please do not disconnect your friendship with him on my account. He may have just found himself in a bind when he became interested in two ladies at one time. He has made a decision, not in my favor; that is all.” Jane shakes her head despondently.

  “You do not have to apologize to me, Jane. If he is like this, then I would like to know. I do not like to be deceived.” Darcy says straightforwardly.

  “Maybe, he never set out to deceive us.” Jane tries to explain and justify because she just cannot seem to believe that Mr. Morgan is so ungentlemanly.

  “But, Jane, that young lady’s demeanor and actions do not look like someone that he just courted after he started a courtship with you. So, if he courted her before he started courting you, then that means he deceived you because why would he enter into a courtship with you while he was attached to another young lady? That is deception.” Elizabeth points out logically. She does not want Jane to pity Mr. Morgan and excuse him for his reprehensible deed as she always does for everybody that behaves badly; Jane is too willing to overlook everybody’s wrong doings. Elizabeth does not want Jane to get hurt from Jane’s naiveté.

  “I am afraid you are correct, Lizzy.” Jane accepts her sister’s reasoning.

  After Georgiana plays another piece on the piano forte, William decides to change the atmosphere and brings out the subject of a very new dance in Great Britain which is rather popular in Europe – the Waltz. He has seen the style danced in Almacks when he attended with Richard and Andrew at the end of last season. It is rather intimate, and since the couple dances in such close vicinity to each other during the entire dance, they should be engaged, minimally. The dance looks very amorous. The daring couples that danced the Waltz at Almacks were scrutinized, admired, and envied. There were the jealous people who had to outwardly denounce the dance as scandalous in order to feel proper. Those people who were outraged by the dance felt that such ardor should not be blatantly displayed in public, much less in front of an audience of high society.

  Darcy sure would like to dance the Waltz with Elizabeth. Once they are married, he will not care what others say about his dancing the Waltz with his wife. Maybe he could have this dance at his wedding. Oh, he is impatient to have his wife – just two more weeks!

  Darcy gets the three ladies excited about such a forbidden dance. Darcy quickly goes to get his music box that he special ordered from Vienna with the Waltz tune in it. He shows the three ladies the steps to this dance. The three ladies are excited, indeed. Georgiana cannot believe that her brother is allowing her to watch this merriment. She is shy to see how closely the gentleman must hold the lady and where his hand holds her body. As a matter of fact, all three ladies blush. This makes Darcy blush too, but he restrains it so that they know that there is nothing vulgar about this dance if the couple dancing it is betrothed. Yes, it looks intimate, but it does not have to be looked at as offensive. Darcy knows that his thinking is more forward than many gentlemen of his time.

  They all have much fun. They laugh and giggle their way through the lesson that Darcy diligently teaches. He takes his instructing seriously so the ladies will not perform the wrong steps and be gossiped at for doing the dance incorrectly. God forbid he should be improper! He has a drawing of a couple performing the steps to the dance that they follow. They enjoy it immensely even with all the errors they make. In the midst of this amusement, Mr. Morgan is forgotten…for now.


  Saturday morning dawns, and Jane lies in her bed wondering what will happen today in regards to Mr. Morgan. Will he seek her out? Does he still care to seek her out? Maybe he will only feel obligated to come and end their courtship. What will she do or say to him? Is she angry? Yes, because he deceived her into thinking that they were an official couple. Should she express her thoughts to him? Perhaps; she will see how the visit progresses and decide at that time. Perchance, he will not even seek her out because he may feel that his behavior yesterday has already indicated his answer and partiality. She is not a mean, vengeful person, but if he does not even make the effort to address her, then she will never acknowledge him again – no matter where they meet or with whom they may be with at that time. That settles it; she will not let this depress her spirits. She has to try to emulate Elizabeth – keep busy and think positive.

  Elizabeth tries to keep Jane occupied this morning by suggesting that they go to Mrs. Templeton’s to check on her wedding trousseau. Since Elizabeth gave many of her day dresses to Mary and Kitty, she needs to retrieve some new ones to wear before the wedding. When William calls on her, she will ask him to escort them.

  At Mrs. Templeton’s, Elizabeth tries on the finished items; they fit her very well. She is able to bring home almost half of her trousseau; her wedding gown is half way finished. Both Elizabeth and Jane are happy to see all the pretty clothes. Jane is glad that she came with Elizabeth this morning so she can stay occupied and not think about Mr. Morgan. Well, she was very wrong. Who walks in except Mr. Morgan, Mrs. Diana Crawford, and an older well-dressed matron?

  Jane and Elizabeth stop dead in their advance towards where William is sitting waiting for them. William is greeting Morgan and the two ladies. Both Jane and Elizabeth hear William greet ‘Mrs. Everett’. Oh Lord, this must be Mrs. Crawford’s Mother because they look alike. Mrs. Crawford is intimate enough with Mr. Morgan that he is shopping with her Mother present also. Well, how nice for everyone. Goodness, Jane was so very wrong about him. It is like he has another life when he is not with Jane. There is no polite or proper way to bypass Jane and Elizabeth meeting these three people; therefore, the two sisters put on an attractive, amiable smile and face them with confidence. They have nothing to be ashamed of; it is Mr. Morgan who should be ashamed of his conduct.
This just makes it easier for Jane to forget about Mr. Morgan without any regret or disappointment.

  “Miss Elizabeth, Miss Bennet, I would like to introduce to you Mrs. Eleanor Everett – Mrs. Crawford’s Mother. You both remember Mrs. Diana Crawford from yesterday. Mrs. Everett, this is my betrothed, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, and her elder sister, Miss Jane Bennet.” Darcy says politely; all the ladies curtsy and Morgan bows to express the usual greetings.

  Jane displays her most serene, sweet, pretty smile to everyone with no apparent change when her eyes sweep towards Mr. Morgan. Their gazes meet for the briefest instant before Jane settles back on Mrs. Everett without any indication that she is affected by his presence with another young lady. Mrs. Everett asks William about a mutual acquaintance in town. Jane notices that Mrs. Crawford gazes at Mr. Morgan quite warmly and playfully like she is very happy with her situation. Jane had also thought she was happy with hers and Mr. Morgan’s situation. However, there is no longer any situation between them; Jane recognizes the déjà vu to Mr. Bingley. She is glad that she is no longer mistaken in regards to Mr. Morgan.